welcome to St.Joseph's

Our Activities


The enhancement of physical and mental development of children is certainly the most important contribution of sports for children. Sport is quite beneficial for children, by playing sports children develop physical skills, exercise, learn to be a team member and improve self-esteem. We offer PHE (Physical and Health Education) Program to teach Volleyball, Football, tennis, taekwondo, squash, chess, carom, shuttle badminton, judo, basketball, boxing, handball, skating, silambam and gymnastic to students. VI, VII, VIII students aforementioned extra – curricular activities at 3.30 pm 4 days a week.


All the students are obliged to gain practical experience in the course of their academic education. The concept of clubs is seen as an opportunity for adaptation to life in the group, forming good life long habits. Club activities supplement academics and give the students practical training which they require in day to day life. In the school various club activities are organized giving an opportunity to the students to display their talent.


NSS in our school aims at developing student’s personality through community service. It is a voluntary association of students working for a campus community linkage. The cardinal principle of the NSS programme is that it is organized by the students themselves and both students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get sense of involvement in the tasks of nation building.


The purpose of the Scout Movement in our school is to support students in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in the society, with a strong focus on outdoors and survival skills. This Movement is based on the following principles;
** Duty to God
** Duty to others
** Duty to self

National Green Corps

Environmental activities in our school are promoted through the National Green Corps. The NGC students participate in activities related to Biodiversity Conservation, Water Conservation, Waste Management and Land Use Planning and Resource Management. When these trained NGC Students grow up and take the environmental challenges, it is expected that there will be huge difference made to the way the resources are consumed and conserved. Our NGC Cadets are getting the pride place during the National Days when they participate in full NGC uniform during the ceremonial parades.


This club provides a platform to the students to discuss safety measures especially on roads. Activities like Poster making, Slogan writing, Group discussion, Skits and Projects were conducted during the year. Our students also spread awareness in and around the school by talking to children and people highlighting adoption of safety measures.


The LASAC’s aim is to enhance the personality, self-esteem, team building and decision making ability, community awareness, leadership qualities and other life skills of students. It is expected that with group work, individualized reflective sessions and larger visualization of issues concerning self and society, our Thomasian feathers will come out as a positively transformed being.

Red Cross

Red Cross activities in our school are formulated based on its principles of Health, Services and Friendship which promotes practice of health habits and health awareness campaign, First Aid training and cleanliness of school premises. These programs are chalked out in such a way to suit occasions, locations and social requirements.