welcome to St.Joseph's

School Laboratories

Science is not only knowledge but also an art. This art is explored, experimented and practised in Science laboratory.

Although books exist to teach these techniques, experienced teachers have special tricks and techniques that they do not write down. That is why it is best to learn by studying with an experienced teacher. The department maintains a standard clean up kits and other safety equipment. It has innumerable specimens, slides, models, pictures and charts to make learning Biology interesting and entertaining.


To meet the needs of the age, the school has introduced computer education to the school curriculum to make the students have a better exposure to the world. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The department has qualified committed teachers to teach different classes at different levels i.e. Primary, High School and Higher Secondary. The faculty members work hard with the students to bring them up to the level of expectation to compete with the students all over the country.


The laboratory is well-stocked with sufficient chemicals, specimens, instruments so that every student gets the opportunity to carry out the experiments individually. Well qualified and experienced teachers guide the students to explore the world of science.


The Laboratory is a place where physics student do physics related experiment. It is in the laboratory that physics students learn to practise the activities of scientists – asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data, analyzing data, answering questions and thinking of new questions to explore and work on various instruments.

Laboratory safety is well maintained.